Thursday, 17 April 2008

Constitutional Amendments: game over

"The Peoples' Representatives in Cameroon's National Assembly last Thursday, 10 April 2008, formally endorsed the bill amending and supplementing certain sections of the 1996 Constitution. As the adopted bill awaits promulgation into law by the Head of State, the uncertainties that surrounded its sailing through parliament can now be laid to rest."

So, after all of that, what seemed inconceivable just a month or so ago - that the constitutional amendments would go through with barely a murmur of protest - has happened. So Biya doesn't have to stand down in 2011 any more, and he lives to fight (rig) another election.

If there is an introductory course in Dictatorship then this should be in the textbook.

Dictatorship 101

Q1: You are facing understandable anger at the economic malaise, waste of resources and endemic corruption that have characterised your excessive period in power, what do you do?

A1: Kill and imprison protestors, shut down opposition media, increase police presence on streets, fill state-controlled media with pro-government propaganda and make a few showy concessions to keep people quiet (e.g. put up public sector pay, arrest a few politicians on corruption charges).

Teacher's comments: Very good. This is a tried and tested method that almost never fails. I'm not sure that you needed to make those concessions, you probably could have got away with just the brutality and media control. Still, it might make your life a little easier, so why not. A good answer overall. B+

Q2: The last time you amended the constitution to give yourself extra time in power, you committed yourself to leave office in 2011. However, you like being in charge: you get lots of money and prestige and can line the palms of all your friends, family and associates with dirty money. Besides, the thought of retirement doesn't appeal to you. There's only one golf course in Yaounde and that's a bit rubbish. What should you do?

A2: Distract population (see answer to Q1) and amend constitution while nobody's looking so that you can stand for re-election in 2011. Then rig election according to standard procedure.

Teacher's comments: Excellent, a perfect answer. This is where those concessions really come in useful. You are well on your way to becoming a model dictator! A+


Adam Garley said...
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Adam Garley said...

Hilarious. I'd laugh even harder if it wasn't so serious. Man this continent is seriously screwed when it comes to good governance. I might sign up for the course and then use my new found skills to take over ActionAid and turn it into a fastfood franchise. Anyway, I digress...

Nice layout by the way!