Friday 7 March 2008

By the way...

...the security situation is currently calm, things are going well with the cleaner, and we got the money for the project with the refugees that I was talking about.

Things are calm but they are not quite back to normal, with detentions without due process, media being shut down, and propaganda over death tolls. The big problem is really what 'normal' constitutes. The government is no doubt more paranoid than it was before the unrest, and is carrying out oppressive actions that it did not before. But it always had the capacity to behave this way, and it was already obvious that those involved would seek to retain power by any means necessary. This is the root of the problem and it's very hard to be optimistic about the future in this regard. The President seems to have sufficient control over parliament to get his constitutional amendment through, and we know that he has sufficient control over electoral processes to force a win in any election that might take place, so it is hard to see how this situation will improve.

p.s. I won £55 at poker last night. Cashback!

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